Service from Concept to Completion
At Constructive Solutions, we believe that your project should be kept as simple and straightforward as possible, regardless how complex the task may seem. We try to avoid subcontractors and outsourcing wherever possible. Our estimates are easy to understand and you will see a line item for each aspect of your project. This helps you know how we arrived at our price and to be used as a reference to stay on budget.
We offer a broad range of in-house services, including:
- Design
- Unique, comprehensive DIY assistance
- Home improvement & maintenance
- Renovations & repairs
- Bath & Kitchen Remodeling
- Decks, terraces & balconies
- Masonry, roofing & siding
- Interior finish & painting
- Plumbing services
- Electrical work
Crawl space evaluation, moisture control, cleaning and containment
Property management
- and more!
Residential Alterations, Remodeling and Repairs
Constructive Solutions is committed to helping you throughout the entire construction process:
Whether you are adding a room, carving out some new space within your existing footprint or simply maintaining your property, we offer a full, turnkey service, or we actually work with you to save you a major chunk off retail costs. There is no one else in the industry that is offering this option. (See our DIY with Mark tab.)
We understand that it can be very confusing and difficult to make decisions regarding the vast amount of materials and labor that go into an average remodeling project. As a contractor with over 35 years of on the job experience and approximately 15 years of helping do-it-yourselfers on the radio, TV and newspaper, I am sure we can be of assistance, no matter what you need.
Good planning is the single most important place to start, even if your project is a long way off. When you have time on your side you can typically get the best deals and it takes a lot of the “last minute” stresses off of any job.
You can click one of the links below to see some of our local projects, big and small, many of which contain contact information for references.
Commercial Alterations
Light commercial alterations are one of Constructive Solutions favored areas of endeavor. I broke into the commercial end of the business in 1979 assisting in the construction of a Ramada Inn in Bennington Vermont. One of the many benefits of most commercial alterations for me is that the job sites are typically indoors and climate controlled; a plus in any environment. With substantial experience in professional offices, both medical and legal, I have learned how to minimize the down time of a busy executive. I can typically be the one contractor the business owner needs to meet with to orchestrate the entire project. I understand the importance of getting the job done so you can get on with your business.
Jesus Ministries Home for Women (Great Ministry)
Landfall Country Club, Restoration and Painting
Redix, Wrightsville Beach
Food Lion, Landfall (Lifting, replacing sinking slab/foundation)
Professional Evaluation Group, Hichsville, NY (One of about a dozen facilites for them)
Coldstone Creamery, Mayfaire
Dr.'s Vision Center (Waterproofing)
The 4 Kisses
Choose your Kiss - We believe in giving you choices:
KISS # 1: Keep It Simple Stupid. This is where we do an absolute minimum, according to your needs and budget to achieve what you need.
KISS # 2: Keep It Simply Sophisticated. This is simplicity combined with fine tuning to your exact taste and budget.
Kiss # 3: Keep It Something Special: Working within your budget does not mean your project cannot be spectacular. Perhaps we can do your job in different phases as your budget permits.
Kiss # 4: Keep it Substantially Significant: Significance and value are two important elements that we build into every project, regardless of the sophistication.
With today's high tech communications technology, effective communication is simple, effective and absolutely essential!